Mars is about half the size of Earth and has about one-tenth the Earth's mass.
Mars has 37% the gravity of Earth's surface, meaning you could jump 3 times higher on Mars than you can on Earth.
At a height of about 13.6 miles, Olympus Mons is the tallest peak and largest volcano in the solar system. For reference,
it is 2.5 times as tall as Mt. Everest.
An orbital view of Olympus Mons taken by the Viking 1 probe.
Mars' dust storms are the largest in the solar system and can cover the planet for entire months.
While Mars' atmospheric composition is similar to that of Venus, its thin atmosphere means that temperatures never exceed 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mars orbiters have found rock channels that could only have formed in the presence of water. It is believed that Mars once had
abundant water. One theory for why the water has largely disappeared is that it was ejected into space after Mars was impacted by a large body.
An artist's rendition of Mars billions of years ago..
Mars northern polar ice cap in early summer. Mars is the only planet besides Earth that has polar ice caps.
While the presence of frozen water on Mars has been known for a long time, scientists only recently discovered flowing water.
Salty liquid water flowing on Newton Crater during the warm season.The Valles Marineris on Mars, shown here, is the largest canyon in the solar system. Far outpacing the Grand Canyon, the Valles Marineris stretches 2,500 miles long, reaches a maximum width of
125 miles and is 6 miles deep in some parts.Mt. Sharp is one of Mars' most impressive geological features. The picture has been white balanced to show how it would apppear if it was on Earth.
Of the dozens of missions to Mars, only 18 missions have been successful.
The Viking 1 was the first probe to land on Mars. On the right is the first color image sent back from Mars' surface. 360-degree view of Mars' surface. Taken by the Curiosity rover at the Rocknest sand patch.
Colonization of Mars has long been a dream of scientists and novelists.
Concept art for a Mars Colony.
However, as the book/movie 'The Martian' so deftly illustrates, colonization would be no easy feat. Settlers would have to deal with radiation, low gravity,
growing food, making water and fuel, toxic perchlorate in the soil among many other issues. NASA's goal is to get humans to Mars sometime in the 2030s.
Sunset on Mars. Taken by the Spirit rover at Gustav Crater.